Slowing Down
To guard against hurrying through the day, start the day early.
Devote half an hour every morning for meditation, or for inspirational reading and reflection. Do not let anything intrude on this most precious period of your day.
Take time for a good breakfast.
Allow yourself time to get to every engagement a little early.
Simplify your life so that you do not try to fill your time with more than you can do. Start by listing your activities. Then prune the list, striking out anything that is not truly necessary and anything that is not beneficial.
Don’t try to do everything you can, or even everything you want to. Keep sight of the most important things each day, and use the mantram to remind yourself to keep coming back to them.
Allow time for all your meals. Sit down and enjoy your food with others. Repeat your mantram before you eat and eat slowly.
Don’t let yourself get pressured into hurrying. Whenever you find yourself beginning to speed up during the day, repeat your mantram to help you slow down.
Cultivate patience.
Don’t rush those you live and work with. Give them time; you will be giving yourself time as well.
Cultivate personal relationships in all your activities. It will help to reverse the depersonalization of our world.
Reduce the time you spend watching television.
Reduce the time you spend on activities that hurry your children. It will help them to simplify their lives and enjoy what they do, and it will give you more time for them too.
It is important not to confuse slowness with sloth, which breeds carelessness, procrastination, and general inefficiency. In slowing down, attend meticulously to details. Give your very best even to the smallest undertaking.