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Public speaking - you know the feeling... you work for weeks, prepare your presentation to the best of your ability, try and ignore the nerves building up, then... Get on the platform or stand up at the meeting and POW!

Dry mouth, shaky legs, blank mind...

What the heck happened?

You did everything the public speaking books say: You prepared well, got to know your audience, used all sorts of learning tools to reduce uncertainty and fear... But somehow your brain tripped you up.
This is what happened...
For one reason or another, your brain has learnt to provide you with the wrong unconscious response when you speak in public. Instead of appropriate levels of adrenalin and excitement to optimise your performance, you get a fear response like you're being attacked by a wild animal. Everything in your body and mind is saying "run away!!!". But you can't, you have to ignore your 'fight or flight' response and stay put. And what's more, you have to sound eloquent and informed at the same time. Not easy. Impossible in fact.

So here's what YOU are suppose to do about it...

Your brain simply needs to be re-educated into the right sort of reactions for public speaking.
The Public Speaking Confidence TIPS will retrain your brain to:
  • get rid of your old public speaking fear
  • Provide yourself with the right level of adrenalin and excitement
  • Allow yourself to actually enjoy giving presentations (sounds impossible doesn't it?)
help YOURSELF as this is the only way to get rid of fear that holds you back from the the real you..!!


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