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Choose What You Want In Life!

"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job.
You don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose."
-- Harry Browne

Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another.

Are you choosing what you want from life????

"Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because... I haven't got enough education. ...I need to look after my family. ...I don't have enough money. ...I don't have the time."

What's your excuse?

The truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are destitute, the choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have freedom when we simply haven't claimed our power to choose differently.

How do you typically make decisions? Do you do so based on:

"shoulds" - doing what you believe you should do.
pleasing others - doing what others want or expect you to do.
fear - choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
habit and reaction - you don't even think about what you're doing--you've always done it this way?

On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:

desire - choosing something you want
need - responding to deeper desires
authenticity - you know who you are and what you stand for
creative expression - you strive to be more.

So how can you open to choosing differently?

Be clear about what you want. Have a sense of purpose. With a target to aim for, you'll know what will serve you best.

STOP and ASK yourself questions. "Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve?" WRITE down your answers. Be more conscious of how you are spending your precious time, because this is your life passing by. This will help you say, "Wait! I don't want to do this anymore!"

Never allow yourself to play the victim. Victims have given away their power. You alone are responsible for your life. When you fully accept this, you will claim your inner power to make better choices. Change often comes from nothing more than a shift in perspective.

Be open to possibilities for yourself. Select one area of your life where you are unsatisfied, and choose something new, something more for yourself. Do different things and do things differently. Risk more.

Empowerment arises from the three Cs: choice, courage and change.

They are yours to claim. You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up your mind to do so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past. And remember: not choosing is also a choice.


"It is always your next move." -- Napoleon Hill



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