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Practical Emotional Intelligence Skills

When I think of the person I would like to be at work, I imagine someone who’s really sorted and in control. The sort of person that communicates well, solves problems and makes the right decisions. The sort of person that I could really respect.

Did you know that a major factor in your career and life success is your Emotional Intelligence? In fact, studies of star performers show that 85% of what sets them apart from average performers is down to superior Emotional Intelligence skills.

Emotional Intelligence – the ability to understand and control emotions, and recognise and respond to those of others - is emerging as the single most effective business skill of the new century.

Practical Emotional Intelligence Skills puts the theory into practice and shows you how to improve in key areas such as Innovation, Intuition, Self-awareness and Goal Setting. Maybe you’re a company manager or director and want to learn how to manage your team or business more effectively, or perhaps you’re a graduate or trainee and need cutting-edge skills to help you thrive in your future career.

Emotional Intelligence helps you to discover how to become the person you really want to be.


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