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‘Knowing Your Selves’

How does ‘Knowing Your Selves’ benefit
your Life and Relationships?

In your life, relationships and personal growth, you only have two choices. Firstly, you can continue to play out the patterns of your conditioning, and lead a relatively stagnant life. Or alternatively, you can grow as a person. Life wants you to grow ‘to full bloom’, like everything else in the natural world.

For human beings, growing to full bloom means not only growing physically. It means growing psychologically and emotionally, and being able to express more and more of your‘selves’.

In a long term relationship, there are also the same two choices: stagnation or growth. The unique opportunity of every relationship is to help each other express more of the ‘selves’ we all have.

If you choose to do this, you will connect with your partner at a far deeper level, because you are connecting with these subpersonalities at a far deeper and more interesting level. You also feel a steadily deepening closeness, intimacy, heart connection and love.

Each person becomes more attractive, energized, whole and balanced. Relationship becomes a joy because you are tuning in with life’s goal for itself, which is continual growth and more awareness. What a joy to know about this!

Your only other choice is stagnation which causes your life and relationships to feel dull, repetitive, boring and unfulfilling. You become frustrated and less attractive, as you have so many unexpressed parts of yourself. These unexpressed parts also tend to sabotage different areas of your life, including relationships, career, finances, health, creativity etc.

This is why all wise people and personal growth schools essentially say the same thing from ancient times till now… KNOW THYSELF. To know yourself, you first must know your “selves”.

So, the solution is to first of all, become more aware of yourself, or to be more precise your “selves” or subpersonalities.


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