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Showing posts from July, 2007

The Unique Difference – "The Aware Ego"

“The Aware Ego” “The Aware Ego” A unique faculty that is usually dormant in most people. With the full awakening of “The Aware Ego” you have the ability to instantly access the energy of any subpersonality that you choose. At will you can feel playful, cheerful, happy, strong, confident, joyful or peaceful. Or, if the circumstances require it, you can draw upon the energy within you that is goal oriented, focused and independent, courageous and loving. It’s not a matter of denying what is already inside you. It’s a matter of bringing new powers to the surface by understanding your personality, then embracing and accepting all of it. In doing so, you become fully conscious of all parts of your being, and can therefore experience what you essentially are , something perhaps you were never conscious of before. With “The Aware

‘Knowing Your Selves’

How does ‘Knowing Your Selves’ benefit your Life and Relationships? In your life, relationships and personal growth, you only have two choices. Firstly, you can continue to play out the patterns of your conditioning, and lead a relatively stagnant life. Or alternatively, you can grow as a person. Life wants you to grow ‘to full bloom’, like everything else in the natural world. For human beings, growing to full bloom means not only growing physically. It means growing psychologically and emotionally, and being able to express more and more of your‘selves’. In a long term relationship, there are also the same two choices: stagnation or growth. The unique opportunity of every relationship is to help each other express more of the ‘selves’ we all have. If you choose to do this, you will connect with your partner at a far deeper level,

All Areas in Human Life can be Improved

By this method Attract the right person to have a relationship with Grow closer in your personal relationships and marriage Increase intimacy, experience real love and increase the heart connection with your partner Uncover the real reasons why so many relationships go into a downward spiral and what to do about this Understand why you may draw the same types of unfulfilling people again and again into your life, and what to do about it Become very attractive , as well as growing into a more whole and balanced person Discover how your energy levels, self-confidence, career, finances and creativity are created by your personality structure Learn about the power of your mind over your health Crack the code of your own dreams , and see how they can become a teacher for you Discover a powerful and unique self development technique that can deepen your relationships, communication abilities, and every aspect of your life ___________________

Personal Growth

the most important realization that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success. We all have different goals and priorities, which means that different activities and attitudes will make us feel good about ourselves. We also have different natural strengths and weaknesses that are a part of our inherent personality type. How then, as individuals, can we feel successful in our lives? Perhaps By Just Letting These Simple Tips Used By You. * Understand What's Important to You. * Recognize Your Weaknesses Without Hiding Behind Them * Strive for Balance * Opening the Door

Practical Emotional Intelligence Skills

When I think of the person I would like to be at work, I imagine someone who’s really sorted and in control. The sort of person that communicates well, solves problems and makes the right decisions. The sort of person that I could really respect. Did you know that a major factor in your career and life success is your Emotional Intelligence? In fact, studies of star performers show that 85% of what sets them apart from average performers is down to superior Emotional Intelligence skills. Emotional Intelligence – the ability to understand and control emotions, and recognise and respond to those of others - is emerging as the single most effective business skill of the new century. Practical Emotional Intelligence Skills puts the theory into practice and shows you how to improve in key areas such as Innovation, Intuition, Self-awareness and Goal Setting. Maybe you’re a company manager or director and want to learn how to manage your team or business more effectively, or perhaps you’re a

A great saying

Work as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow. .............................................................................................


******************************************************************** checkout the MONTH you are born in & C what its says 4 U ...!! ******************************************************************** JANUARY *Ambitious and serious *Loves to teach and be taught *Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses *Likes to criticize *Hardworking and productive *Smart, neat and organised *Sensitive and has deep thoughts *Knows how to make others happy *Quiet unless excited or tensed *Rather reserved *Highly attentive *Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds *Romantic but has difficulties expressing love *Loves children *Homely person *Loyal *Needs to improve social abilities *Easily jealous. ___________________________________________________ FEBRUARY *Abstract thoughts *Loves reality and abstract *Intelligent and clever *Changing personality *Temperamental *Quiet, shy and humble *Low self esteem *Honest and loyal *Determined to reach goals *Loves freedom *Rebellious when rest


It is not only fresh graduates and non-English speakers who make grammatical mistakes. In fact, professionals in offices, including journalists, commit certain errors over and over again. 'Anyways', 'prepone' and 'cope up', all come to mind. The problem is that many bloopers become accepted socially and feature in our day-to-day interactions. Every time someone copies an error without consulting a dictionary, the problem gets worse. these gaffes would help u IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH Wrong: He is a simpleton People use this expression without knowing its meaning. 'Simpleton' does not mean 'simple'; it means 'idiot'. Correct: He is a simple man. Wrong: Each individual data tells a different story. Data is the plural form for datum, a singular noun. Words ending with 'um' usually have an 'a' in the plural form: (stratum/strata) Correct: Each individual datum tells a different story. Wrong: He is one of those who performs well Eve